Meet Injae Choe: Conversations with ORGÁNACHS Farm To Skin’s Siobhan McKinley

Helping my clients enjoy relief from chronic pain and illness through acupressure bodywork is the greatest gift for me as an eastern medicine practitioner. The most positive benefit of SUGI acupressure is allowing people to get back to living their most authentic and active lives. As a wellness entrepreneur, it’s an enormous pleasure to collaborate with like-minded business owners such as Siobhan Mckinley of ORGÁNACHS Farm to Skin. She flawlessly executes her vision in curating the most health-conscious skincare in her Westport shop and online. Here’s a look at our Conversation on her new blog which is a great resource for anyone committed to green beauty. We discuss acupressure, functional medicine, gut health, emotional health and natural beauty….

Siobhan: Welcome, Injae. I find it so interesting how we have come full circle. Your lovely wife, Maureen, was my very first customer at ORGÁNACHS on the first day I opened in 2016. I’m so happy to have met both of you and have your friendship. What is SUGI ACUPRESSURE and how can it benefit people?

The way Sugi Acupressure can benefit people is by adopting a holistic approach. I do my best to collaborate with the client to treat not only symptoms but to keep diving deep to uncover the true root cause of the client’s condition. This is especially true for chronic illnesses that are persistent and hard to shake. I view every treatment session (around 45 or 60 minutes) as a new opportunity for further exploration and healing. Meanwhile, I have a benchmark of getting all my new clients to a significant new level of health within 3 sessions. Thereafter, the client ideally will return only for maintenance and prevention. Over time, my clients reach a heightened level of self-awareness and learn to place their illness and ailments in a larger, better-informed life context. They appreciate that we can fall in and out of different states of health, that an illness is not static or permanent, but is rather a process that we can track and improve on all the time. And that “miraculous” recoveries can happen more often than not.

Read the rest of the blog on ORGÁNACHS Farm To Skin’s site here:

Injae Choe PhD LMT is a nationally board-certified bodyworker, licensed in NY and CT. He holds a doctorate in Psychology with emphasis on neuroscience and emotional processing. Injae is an expert in root-cause approach to chronic illnesses and is a pioneer of manual therapy for gut bacteria rebalancing. He is also a coach of personalized holistic wellness.

Injae Choe